Biological Nitrogen Removal Database

A manually curated data resource for microbial nitrogen removal

Detailed information


Pseudomonas sp. SKU


  • Phylum : Proteobacteria
  • Class : Gammaproteobacteria
  • Order :Pseudomonadales
  • Family : Pseudomonadaceae
  • Genus : Pseudomonas

Electron Acceptor

Oxygen; Sodium acetate

Electron Donor

Ammonium chloride

Information about Article

Reference:Yao et al., 2013

Title:Enrichment and characterization of a bacteria consortium capable of heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification at low temperature

Pubmed ID:23131636.0

Pubmed link:Link

Full research link:Link

Abstract: Nitrogen removal in wastewater treatment plants is usually severely inhibited under cold temperature. The present study proposes bioaugmentation using psychrotolerant heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification consortium to enhance nitrogen removal at low temperature. A functional consortium has been successfully enriched by stepped increase in DO concentration. Using this consortium, the specific removal rates of ammonia and nitrate at 10 °C reached as high as 3.1 mg N/(gSSh) and 9.6 mg N/(gSSh), respectively. PCR-DGGE and clone library analysis both indicated a significant reduction in bacterial diversity during enrichment. Phylogenetic analysis based on nearly full-length 16S rRNA genes showed that Alphaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria and particularly Bacteroidetes declined while Gammaproteobacteria (all clustered into Pseudomonas sp.) and Betaproteobacteria (mainly Rhodoferax ferrireducens) became dominant in the enriched consortium. It is likely that Pseudomonas spp. played a major role in nitrification and denitrification, while R. ferrireducens and its relatives utilized nitrate as both electron acceptor and nitrogen source.